This was the topic of the one-hour session organized by Europe Jacques Delors (EJD) in the context of the WTO Trade and Environment Week 2023.
Colette van der Ven, Senior Associate Researcher at EJD, presented the three pillars of the EU's new approach to the issue, as suggested by EJD and outlined in our recent publication titled "EU Trade and the Environment: Development as the missing side of the triangle", – edition nº14 of our Greening Trade series.
1) An improved narrative based on responsibility, leadership and justice;
2) A diversified approach based on multilateral, bilateral and plurilateral engagement with developing countries and LDCs;
3) The development of a new set of instruments, including capacity building and improved transparency and predictability.
Our external speaker, Carolyn Deere Birkbeck, Director of the Forum on Trade, Environment & the SDGs (TESS), explained the context of developing countries, their climate-related goals and priorities which differ from those of the EU, and addressed some of the most common concerns raised in this regard. She stressed the need for better policy coherence and an integrated approach by the EU.