Joint statement: Review of EU FTAs Trade and Sustainable Development Chapters
Europe Jacques Delors, together with other five organizations from civil society (IEEP, IDDRI, WiseEuropa, Fair Trade and ECCO) have put forward, through a joint statement, six key recommendations to strengthen the current TSD framework by tooling relevant provisions, making the dispute settlement process more robust, and empowering civil society to take part in trade dialogues.
The European Union, through the European Green Deal and the Trade Policy Review, highlights its commitments to "greening" the Union's trade and trade policy, including improving the integration of social and environmental sustainability concerns into EU Free Trade Agreements (FTAs). However, EU FTAs fall short in terms of sustainable development.
We use the opportunity of the public consultation on TSD chapter launched by the European Commission to propose key recommendations. These recommendations aiming to strengthen the current TSD framework by tooling relevant provisions, making the dispute settlement process more robust, and empowering civil society to take part in trade dialogues.