Policy Areas

Greening Trade

Exploring the interface between international trade and environmental protection. We provide recommendations on how to “green” the trade policy of the European Union.


Towards a more inclusive, sustainable, and cooperative EU agricultural trade: Lessons...

Towards a more inclusive, sustainable, and cooperative EU agricultural trade: Lessons...

Publication | Policy brief
23 May 2024
Turning the EU’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism into a green development tool

Turning the EU’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism into a green development tool

Publication | Policy brief
29 April 2024
Green horizons: Strengthening the EU’s green diplomatic agenda

Green horizons: Strengthening the EU’s green diplomatic agenda

Publication | Paper
28 March 2024
A pro-development green trade agenda for COP-28

A pro-development green trade agenda for COP-28

Publication | Paper
29 November 2023
The Case for a Global Triangle Forum at the WTO

The Case for a Global Triangle Forum at the WTO

Publication | Blog Post
21 September 2023
GT14  – EU trade and the environment: Development as the missing side of the triangle

GT14  – EU trade and the environment: Development as the missing side of the triangle

Publication | Paper
1 June 2023
GT13 – Exploring the interface between unilateral and bilateral approaches to greenin...

GT13 – Exploring the interface between unilateral and bilateral approaches to greenin...

Publication | Paper
12 April 2023
Climate action in the US and in the EU: Same objectives, different pathways

Climate action in the US and in the EU: Same objectives, different pathways

Publication | Policy brief
15 February 2023


Between a rock and a hard place: the EU’s conundrum on the Deforestation Regulation

Between a rock and a hard place: the EU’s conundrum on the Deforestation Regulation

News | Blog Post
4 June 2024
Four questions to MEP Raphaël Glucksmann

Four questions to MEP Raphaël Glucksmann

24 April 2024
Re-Thinking Europe Episode 4: Next stop - Deforestation-free supply chains?

Re-Thinking Europe Episode 4: Next stop - Deforestation-free supply chains?

News | Podcast
8 April 2024
The Critical Raw Materials Act, geopolitics and supply diversification – what next?

The Critical Raw Materials Act, geopolitics and supply diversification – what next?

News | Event Report
12 March 2024
Green Subsidies @MC13: How can the WTO deliver?

Green Subsidies @MC13: How can the WTO deliver?

News | Event Report
15 February 2024
The Trade, Climate, and Development Triangle: A call to action

The Trade, Climate, and Development Triangle: A call to action

News | Event Report
7 December 2023
Four questions to Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Director General of the World Trade Organizati...

Four questions to Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Director General of the World Trade Organizati...

29 November 2023
Europe Jacques Delors has a new podcast series: Re-thinking Europe

Europe Jacques Delors has a new podcast series: Re-thinking Europe

News | Podcast
21 November 2023


What’s next for EU policy after the elections?

What’s next for EU policy after the elections?

Media | Article
18 June 2024

The Parliament Magazine

Lamy: EU should work with African states to make carbon tax work

Lamy: EU should work with African states to make carbon tax work

Media | Interview
6 June 2024


Commerce international : un "pacte vert" aux effets contre-productifs ?

Commerce international : un "pacte vert" aux effets contre-productifs ?

Media | Article
6 June 2024


EU seeks post-election approval of Mercosur trade deal, says Brussels’ chief negotiat...

EU seeks post-election approval of Mercosur trade deal, says Brussels’ chief negotiat...

Media | Article
8 May 2024


Pascal Lamy: "Reducing dependence on China should not be exaggerated"

Pascal Lamy: "Reducing dependence on China should not be exaggerated"

Media | Article
9 April 2024


Pascal Lamy: «Si la Commission a du courage, elle demandera un vote à la majorité qua...

Pascal Lamy: «Si la Commission a du courage, elle demandera un vote à la majorité qua...

Media | Interview
18 March 2024


Pascal Lamy (OMC) : Querelle commerciale entre Bruxelles et Pékin

Pascal Lamy (OMC) : Querelle commerciale entre Bruxelles et Pékin

Media | TV emission
13 March 2024
Sustainability: Why the EU has low expectations of the WTO Ministerial Conference

Sustainability: Why the EU has low expectations of the WTO Ministerial Conference

Media | Interview
26 February 2024

Table Europe

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