Strategic Ark Conference "Climate Crisis: Common Actions or Divisions?":
19 May 2022

Strategic Ark Conference "Climate Crisis: Common Actions or Divisions?":


Geneviève Pons at the The Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM) Strategic Ark Conference "Climate Crisis: Common Actions or Divisions?":

“Beyond public finance, there must be a lot of private finance targeting ecological transition, not only in the developed world, but also elsewhere. The technological breakthrough that we can experience in renewable energy should benefit the developing world."

“We should counter the idea that these shifts would be an aggravation of poverty. New technologies bring new competencies, new jobs and new market opportunities; and certainly we need to accompany these countries during their transition. It is not a transition to more poverty. It is a transition to at least the same level of prosperity, and hopefully, to more, attained sustainably."

Geneviève Pons
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