Launch of the European Ocean Deal initiative building an ambitious EU agenda for the Ocean

Launch of the European Ocean Deal initiative building an ambitious EU agenda for the Ocean


Ahead of the crucial 2024 European elections, Europe Jacques Delors (EJD) and the Oceano Azul Foundation (OAF) have joined forces to develop, promote and encourage the adoption of a European Ocean Deal, with the support of a high-level panel of personalities.

Launch of the European Ocean Deal initiative building an ambitious EU agenda for the Ocean

The 2024 European elections constitute a pivotal event for the future of the ocean and by extension the continent itself. The ocean supports all life on Earth and provides Europe with scores of essential services and opportunities that reach into manifold aspects of our lives: climate regulation, biodiversity reserve, food security, innovation, jobs, competitiveness, science, transport, clean energy, tourism, data connectivity, peace, cooperation and security, not to mention its aesthetic, spiritual and cultural dimensions.

However, ocean’s health is deteriorating and the EU’s piecemeal and siloed approach to maritime policy has so far failed to harness its true potential. Without an immediate, bold and holistic commitment to the ocean with an integrated EU Ocean strategy, the EU risks losing its best ally in its transition to a sustainable, prosperous and peaceful future.

This is why in the run-up to the 2024 European elections, EJD and the OAF have joined forces to develop, promote a European Ocean Deal. Supported by a group of stakeholders renowned for their expertise of both the EU and the ocean, this initiative aims to build political impetus for the adoption of an ambitious and positive EU agenda for the ocean in the next legislature. It will take the form of a manifesto advocating for a holistic and science-based approach that integrates social, economic and educational opportunities for prosperity and equal growth, environmental protection and geostrategic dynamics. To this end, the European Ocean Deal will notably build upon the Mission Starfish 2030’s philosophy and objectives, which paved the way in that direction. 

The initiative has gained momentum with the first meeting of the stakeholder group on Wednesday 21 February, chaired by Pascal Lamy, Vice-President of EJD, and co-chaired by Geneviève Pons, Vice-President and Director General of EJD, and Tiago Pitta e Cunha, CEO of the OAF. Mr. João Vale De Almeida - former EU Ambassador to the United Nations and the United States, provided insights into the current EU political landscape, setting the stage for a rich discussion with the group’s members on how to build a comprehensive and positive EU ocean agenda. Further meetings of the group will be held.

The manifesto is set for release in April-May 2024 and will be followed by a policy brief exploring political options for the adoption of the European Ocean Deal, to be published in September-October. 

As members of the stakeholder group, the following personalities are supporting the European Ocean Deal initiative: 

Mr. Pascal Lamy (Chair), Europe Jacques Delors, Vice-President; Mission Restore our Ocean and waters Board, Chair

Mr. Tiago Pitta e Cunha (Vice-Chair), Oceano Azul Foundation, CEO 

Mrs. Geneviève Pons (Vice-Chair), Europe Jacques Delors, Vice-President and General Director; Mission Restore our Ocean and waters Board, Chair of the NGOs and citizen engagement group

Mrs. Catherine Chabaud, MEP (Renew), Substitute PECH Committee 

Mrs. Maria Da Graça Carvalho, MEP (PPE), Vice-President PECH Committee  

Mrs. Maria Damanaki, former European Union commissioner for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries  

Mrs. Brigita Dejus, Riga Technical University, Senior Researcher. Mission Restore our Ocean and waters Board, member

Mrs. Ana Gavrilovich, Croatia, University of Zagreb, Department of fisheries, Associate professor. Mission Restore our Ocean and waters Board, member.  

Mr. Rémi Gruet, Ocean Energy Europe, CEO

Mr. Peter Heffernan, Mission Restore our Ocean and waters board, member. Marine Institute (Ireland), former CEO; Oceano Azul Foundation, member of the board of directors 

Mr. Pierre Karleskind , MEP (Renew), Chair PECH Committee 

Mr. Petros Kokkalis, MEP (GUE/NGL), Substitute TRAN Committee (Transport and Tourism)

Mr. Spyros Kouvelis, Mission Restore our Ocean and waters board, member; former Minister of State for foreign economic, environmental and cultural affairs of Greece 

Mr. R. Andréas Kraemer, Oceano Azul Foundation, Non-Executive Director  

Mrs. Jacqueline McGlade, European Environment Agency (EEA) , Former Executive Director  

Mrs. Sophie Mirgaux, Ministry of Environment of Belgium, Special Envoy for the Ocean 

Mr. Patrick Moller, Ocean Energy Europe, CEO. Cor Power Ocean - CEO

Mrs. Maria Cristina Pedicchio, National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics (OGS), President. Mission Restore our Ocean and waters board, member.

Mrs. Klara Ramm, Warsaw University of Technology, Assistant Professor. Mission Restore our Ocean and waters Board, member 

Mrs. Paula Valcarce, Spanish Institute for Oceanography, coordinator. Mission Restore our Ocean and waters Board 

Mr. João Vale De Almeida, former EU Ambassador to the United Nations and the United States

Mrs. Ivelina Vasileva, former minister of environment of Bulgaria. EPPA, Senior Advisor. Mission Restore our Ocean and waters Board, member

Mr. Karmenu Vella, former European commissioner for the Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries  

Mrs. Monica Verbeek, Seas at Risk, CEO 

Mr. Klaus Welle, former Secretary-General of the European Parliament

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